Monday, May 25, 2020

Climate Change and Its Impact on Agriculture - 2055 Words

Climate Change and its Impact on Agriculture Climate change is an emerging issue of agricultural production and geographical location of India makes it vulnerable to climate change. For most people, the expression â€Å"climate change† means the alteration of the world’s climate that we humans are causing, through fossil fuel burning, clearing forests and other practices that increase the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. However, scientists often use the term for any change in the climate, whether arising naturally or from human causes. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate change is the change that can be attributed â€Å"directly or indirectly to human activity that†¦show more content†¦Some of the consequences of global warming may appear in the form of more frequent floods and drought, food shortage, non supporting weather conditions, newly born diseases, sea level rise, etc. The concentration of these GHGs is mounting in the atmosphere through number of ways like anthropogenic activities, deforestation etc. It is expected that up to 2100 this concentration would become 3 times as much as the pre-industrial time causing 3 to 100C hike in temperature. Impact of climate change on Agriculture: India is a large developing country with nearly 700 million rural populations directly depended on climate sensitive sectors like (agriculture, forests and fisheries) and natural resources (such as water, biodiversity, mangroves, coastal zones, grasslands) for their subsistence and livelihoods. The agricultural sector represents 35% of India’s Gross National Product (GNP) and as such plays a crucial role in the country’s development. Food grain production quadrupled during the post-independence era; but the impact of climate change on agriculture could result in problems with food security and may threatenShow MoreRelatedImpact of Climate Change on Agriculture1366 Words   |  6 PagesImpact of Climate Change on Agriculture Introduction Climate change is one of the biggest and urgent issues of the present world and overwhelming scientific consensus is concerned with climate change. 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I am going to tell you how animal agriculture has affected our atmosphere in a negative way by emitting a large amount of GHGs, and in tu rn effecting our climate and speeding up

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